Should I Take Private Piano Lessons?

By Jo Ann Vick


I frequently get inquiries from people who are interested in taking piano lessons from me,
and they usually are most concerned with getting 2 questions answered.

  1. 1. How much will the lessons cost?
  2. 2. When can I get started?

Those are important questions, but I have one question that I ask every potential student
and you should ask yourself this question also, if you are thinking about taking private lessons
for yourself or you are thinking about starting private lessons for your children.

How much time daily will you have to devote to practice?

Your practice time needs to be a priority. Other activities like after school sports and homework,
which are an integral to a well adjusted student, can quickly consume all of your extracurricular time.
If you don't have time set aside to devote to practice, you are putting yourself at a severe disadvantage
to piano learning success.

If you are a parent of a child taking lessons, you should also be prepared to actively participate
in your child's practice sessions, even sitting on the bench with him or her to help with practice.

I can tell when a student has practiced when they come to a lesson. This displays their commitment to learn and that makes it easier for them, and makes teaching a pleasure for me.

Jo Ann Vick is a private piano instructor with 20 years of training and performing experience
and has a home based studio in Frisco, Texas. Her mission is to develop in others, a love
for playing the piano. Her website is located at

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