What People Say About Us

Our clients depend on us to provide exeptional service. We do our best to meet and exceed their high standards. Here is what just some of our customers say about our efforts.

  • Jayne P.
    My 10 year old daughter has taken lessons with Jo Ann for 2 years and loves every minute of it! She doesn't even complain about practicing because Jo Ann does such a good job encouraging and motivating her each week. We couldn't ask for a better piano teacher!
  • Debbie B.
    My 11-year old son has taken lessons from JoAnn for 4 years and absolutely loves her! JoAnn's style of teaching, combined with her music theory education, has allowed him to progress at an astonishing rate. He's even inspired his brother to consider the piano!
  • Phil J.
    Our 10 year-old son, Parker, has been taking lessons from Jo Ann for over 3 years. He really enjoys learning music theory. Jo Ann's approach definitely works because Parker exhibits enthusiasm for playing the piano and is diligent with his practicing.
  • Michelle E.
    I want to say how much we are enjoying Anna's piano lessons. You are doing a great job with her and she LOVES it. It is amazing how far she has come in such a short time!
  • Deborah B.
    My daughter describes Jo Ann as "patient, kind and good-hearted." This, combined with her quality of teaching, has helped our child to not only master the material but to enjoy the music as well. We've been with Jo Ann for four years and she is truly stellar.
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famous musical quote:

"Wagner's music is better than it sounds".

- Mark Twain